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Main structure sharing of vacuum homogeneous emulsifier


The size of vacuum high shear emulsifier varies from 5L to 1000L. Consumers should choose cutting and emulsification equipment according to their actual production needs, then the main structure of vacuum homogeneous emulsifier is shared. Today, Gangben Machinery of vacuum emulsifier will introduce the size and customization of vacuum high shear emulsifier to everyone.
If you want to keep your vacuum emulsifying equipment clean and rust-free for many years, and reduce maintenance and downtime of your automatic vacuum emulsifying machine, choose a stainless steel emulsifying machine. You can choose other metals like iron, but it simply cannot compete with the overwhelming dominance of stainless steel.


We provide products in different sizes and integrations, and can customize the factory mixing operation according to your actual needs. What’s more, we provide our clients with a reasonable price mixer so that they can expand their business. Our precision manufacturing and hygienic emulsification equipment is used by thousands of food and beverage businesses, but we are also honest with new customers.
Emulsification is a method of breaking down the dispersed phase into beads. Typically, coarse premixes are made by rapidly mixing ingredients. This is sufficient to break down the dispersed phase into expanded beads and allow the emulsifier to be adsorbed earlier for final emulsification.
Emulsification is a word for fluid reaction. This means that two or more substances are emulsified (eg, mixed, emulsified, dispersed and homogenized) at high velocity and under physical confinement. Emulsifiers are characterized by the addition of one liquid to another liquid to form a suspension that cannot be mixed together.
Providing unique emulsifying machines to make higher quality emulsions has always been our goal to keep our customers satisfied.

Post time: Jun-01-2022